Chapter 6—Human Needs and Divine Supply . [The articles in this section are from Special Testimonies, Series A 2:9-12 (1892).]Reasons for Inefficiency, and the Remedy . Melbourne, Australia,July 3, 1892I would address those who preach the word: “The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” All the advantages and privileges that may be multiplied for your benefit, that you should be educated and trained, rooted and grounded in the truth, will be no real help to you personally unless the mind and heart are opened so that truth shall find entrance, and you make a conscientious surrender of every habit and practice, and every sin that has closed the door against Jesus. Let the light from Christ search every dark corner of the soul; with earnest determination adopt a right course of action. If you hold onto a wrong course, as many of you are now doing; if the truth does not work in you with transforming power, so that you obey it from the heart because you love its pure principles; be sure that for you the truth will lose its vitalizing power, and sin will strengthen.This is why many are not efficient agents for the Master. They are constantly making provision to please and glorify themselves, or they cherish lust in the heart. True, they assent to the law of Ten Commandments, and many teach the law in theory, but they do not cherish its principles. They do not obey the command of God to be pure, to love God supremely, and their neighbor as themselves. While constantly living a lie, can such have strength, can they have confidence, will such become efficient workers for God? {TM 159.1}

Vidnesbyrd for prædikanter kapitel 16. 159.     Fra side 159 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Grunde for virkningsløshed og afhjælpningen

Melbourne, Australien, 3. juli, 1892
Jeg vil tale til dem som prædiker ordet: »Tydes dine ord, så bringer de lys, de giver enfoldige indsigt.« Alle fortrinene og privilegierne kan blive mangedoblet til din fordel, så du skulle blive uddannet og oplært, rodfæstet og grundfæstet i sandheden, vil ikke være nogen virkelig hjælp for dig personligt medmindre sind og hjerte er åbnet så sandheden kan finde indgang, og du gør en samvittighedsfuld afståelse af enhver vane og fremgangsmåde, og enhver synd der har lukket døren for Jesus. Lad lyset fra Kristus søge ind i enhver mørk krog af sjælen; tag med alvorlig beslutsomhed en rigtig den rigtige handlemåde. Hvis I bliver i en forket handlemåde, som mange af jer nu gør; hvis sandheden ikke arbejder i jer med omdannende kraft, så at I adlyder den af hjertet fordi I elsker dens rene principper; så kan I være sikker på at for jer vil sandheden miste dens livgivende kraft, og synd vil styrkes.

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