Evils of Unsanctified Consolidation . [See appendix.] Everything that has been planned in regard to consolidation shows that men are seeking to grasp the scepter of power and hold control over human minds. But God does not work with them in their devising, and the voice they now have in the cause of God is not the voice of God. They have proved themselves utterly unworthy of a place as wise managers; for their strength is used to turn men away from their rights, to benefit themselves. There have been acts of apparent liberality, but God knows the motive which governed them, and He will not accept their offerings until they repent and become conscientious doers of His word. Divine Unity Necessary . There is great necessity for unity in the work and cause of God; but for a long time influences have been at work seeking to create disaffection, and the men who feel that they have the power in their hands care little. They say within themselves: When this consolidation is perfected, we will show them who is master. We will then bring things into line. But they will never have that work to do. {TM 291.2}

Vidnesbyrd for prædikanter kapitel 41. 292.     Fra side 292 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Forbindelse med Guds arbejde

Guddommelig forening nødvendig
Der er stor nødvendighed for enighed i Guds arbejde og sag; men i lang tid har påvirkninger været (292) i gang for at skabe utilfredshed, og de mennesker der mærker at de har kraften i deres hænder bekymrer sig en smugle. De siger inden i sig selv: når denne konsolidering er fuldbyrdet, skal vi vise dem hvem der er mester. Vi vil da bringe tingene på ret linie. Men de vil aldrig få det arbejde at udføre.

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