“The dealings of God with His people often appear mysterious. His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts. Many times His way of dealing is so contrary to our plans and expectations that we are amazed and confounded. We do not understand our perverse natures; and often when we are gratifying self, following our own inclinations, we flatter ourselves that we are carrying out the mind of God. And so we need to search the Scriptures, and be much in prayer, that, according to His promise, the Lord may give us wisdom. {TM 503.3} “Though we have an individual work and an individual responsibility before God, we are not to follow our own judgment, regardless of the opinions and feelings of our brethren; for this course would lead to disorder in the church. It is the duty of ministers to respect the judgment of their brethren; but their relations to one another, as well as the doctrines they teach, should be brought to the test of the law and the testimony; then, if hearts are teachable, there will be no divisions among us. Some are inclined to be disorderly, and are drifting away from the great landmarks of the faith; but God is moving upon His ministers to be one in doctrine and in spirit. {TM 503.4} | |
Vidnesbyrd for prædikanter kapitel 70. 503. Fra side 503 i den engelske udgave. | tilbage |
Selv om vi har en personlig gerning og et personligt ansvar overfor Gud, skal vi ikke følge vor egen dømmekraft, uanset vore brødres anskuelser og følelser; for denne kurs vil lede til uorden i menigheden. Det er prædikanternes pligt at respektere deres brødres dømmekraft; men deres forhold til hverandre, så vel som til de doktriner de lærer, burde sættes på prøve i loven og vidnesbyrdet; og hvis hjerterne er modtagelige, vil der ikke være nogen splittelser blandt os. Nogle er tilbøjelige til at være uordentlige, og glider væk fra troens store milepæle; men Gud rører ved hans prædikanter til at være ét i lære og ånd. |