Chapter 20 1-17 (Nehemiah 9:6-15). Father by Side of Son in Giving Law—When the law was spoken, the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth, stood by the side of His Son, enshrouded in the fire and the smoke on the mount. It was not here that the law was first given; but it was proclaimed, that the children of Israel, whose ideas had become confused in their association with idolaters in Egypt, might be reminded of its terms, and understand what constitutes the true worship of Jehovah (The Signs of the Times, October 15, 1896). {1BC 1103.13}

bibelkommentar bind 1 kapitel 2. 1104.     Fra side i den engelske udgave.tilbage


(1104) Det var ikke her at loven blev givet første gang; men den blev proklameret, så Israels børn, hvis tanker var blevet forvirrede af Ægyptens afguderi, kunne blive minde om dens bud, og forstå hvad sand tilbedelse af Jehova indbefatter. (ST 15. okt.., 1896).

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