13 (Ch. 25:8). Sabbath Kept During Construction—God directed that a tabernacle should be built, where the Israelites, during their wilderness-journeying, could worship Him. Orders from heaven were given that this tabernacle should be built without delay. Because of the sacredness of the work and the need for haste, some argued that the work of the tabernacle should be carried forward on the Sabbath, as well as on the other days of the week. Christ heard these suggestions, and saw that the people were in great danger of being ensnared by concluding that they would be justified in working on the Sabbath that the tabernacle might be completed as quickly as possible. The word came to them, “Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep.” Though the work on the tabernacle must be carried forward with expedition, the Sabbath must not be employed as a working day. Even the work on the Lord’s house must give way to the sacred observance of the Lord’s rest day. Thus jealous is God for the honor of His memorial of creation (The Review and Herald, October 28, 1902). {1BC 1108.7}

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13 (kp. 25,8). Sabbaten blev overholdt under opbyggelsen. - Gud anviste at et tabernakel skulle opbygges, hvor israelitterne, under deres ørkenvandring, kunne tilbede Ham. Der blev givet ordrer for himlen, at dette tabernakel ikke skulle forsinkes i sin opbygning. På grund af arbejdets hellighed og behovet for forhastelse, argumenterede nogle for at tabernakelarbejdet skulle udføres på sabbaten, såvel som på andre ugedage. Kristi hørte disse forslag, og så at folket var i stor fare for at blive besnæret af at arbejdet på sabbaten ville retfærdiggøres, da tabernaklet måtte gøres færdigt så hurtigt så muligt. Ordet kom til dem: ”Sandelig mine sabbater skal I holde.” Selvom arbejdet med tabernaklet skulle gennemføres (1109) hurtigt, matte sabbaten ikke bruges som en arbejdsdag. Endog arbejdet på Herrens hus måtte give plads for den hellige overholdelse af Herrens hviledag. Så nidkær er Gud for at ære Hans mindesmærke på skabelsen (RH 28. okt., 1902).

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