24-26. Result of Influence of Parents—Have you considered why it was that all who were connected with Achan were also subjects of the punishment of God? It was because they had not been trained and educated according to the directions given them in the great standard of the law of God. Achan’s parents had educated their son in such a way that he felt free to disobey the Word of the Lord, the principles inculcated in his life led him to deal with his children in such a way that they also were corrupted. Mind acts and reacts upon mind, and the punishment which included the relations of Achan with himself, reveals the fact that all were involved in the transgression (Manuscript 67, 1894).{2BC 998.4}

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24-26. Resultatet af forældrene indflydelse. - Har I tænkt over hvordan det kan være at alle, som var i forbindelse med Akan, også var genstand for Guds straf? Det var fordi de ikke var blevet oplært og uddannet efter de anvisninger de havde fået i Guds lovs store standard. Akans forældre havde opdraget deres søn på en sådan måde at han følte sig fri til at være ulydig over for Herrens Ord, de principper der var sat ind i hans liv, fik ham til at behandle hans børn på en sådan måde, at de også blev fordærvede. Sindet handler og agerer på sindet, og den straf som også gjaldt Akans slægtninge, åbenbarer at alt blev taget med i overtrædelsen. (MS 67, 1894).

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