Notwithstanding all these objectionable surroundings, the character of Solomon was preserved in purity during his youth. God’s angel could talk with him in the night season; and the divine promise to give him understanding and judgment, and to fully qualify him for his responsible work, was faithfully kept. In the history of Solomon we have the assurance that God will do great things for those who love Him, who are obedient to His commandments, and trust in Him as their surety and strength.{2BC 1024.1}

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Uanset alle disse ubehagelige omgivelser, blev Salomons karakter bevaret i renhed i gennem hans ungdom. Guds engel kunne tale med ham om natten; og det guddommelige løfte gav ham forståelse og dømmekraft, og udrustede ham helt til hans ansvarsfulde arbejde, blev trofastheden holdt i hævd. I Salomons historie har vi forsikringen om at Gud vil gøre store ting for dem som elsker ham, som er lydig mod Hans bud, og stoler på ham, som deres sikkerhed og styrke.

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