Chapter 4 38-44 (2 Kings 6:1-7). Schools Were Respected for Learning and Piety—Samuel had founded the first regular establishments for religious instruction and the unfolding of the prophetic gifts. Among the chief subjects of study, were the law of God with the instructions given to Moses, sacred history, sacred music, and poetry. In these “schools of the prophets” young men were educated by those who were not only well versed in divine truth, but who themselves maintained close communion with God and had received the special endowment of His Spirit. These educators enjoyed the respect and confidence of the people both for learning and piety. The power of the Holy Spirit was often strikingly manifest in their assemblies, and the exercise of the prophetic gift was not infrequent. These schools, or colleges, were of untold value to Israel, not only as providing for the dissemination of religious truth, but as preserving the spirit of vital godliness (The Signs of the Times, July 20, 1882).{2BC 1037.7} Chapter 6 1-7. See EGW comment on 2 Kings 4:38-44.{2BC 1037.8}

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Kapitel 4

38-44 (kp. 6,1-7). Skoler blev respekteret for lærdom og fromhed. - Samuel fik grundlagt de første regulære institutioner til religiøs undervisning og opåbning af de profetiske gaver. Blandt de største studieemner var Guds lov med de instrukser Moses fik, hellig historie, helligmusik og poesi. I disse ”profetskoler” blev unge mænd oplært af dem som ikke blot godt kyndig i guddommelig sandhed, men som selv fastholdt en tæt forbindelse med Gud og havde fået Hans Ånds særlige gave. Disse opdragere nød folkets respekt og tillid bade i lærdom og i fromhed. Helligåndens kraft blev ofte tydeliggjort ganske på faldende i disse forsamlinger, og udøvelsen af den profetiske gave var ikke ualmindelig. Disse skoler, vore colleges, var af usigelig værdi for Israel, ikke kun for at give religiøs sandhed en udbredelse, men for at bevare den livsvigtige gudfrygtighed. (ST 20. juli, 1882).

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