Oh, that human agencies might consider what will be the sure result of their ingratitude to Him, and of their disregard of the infinite gift of Christ to our world! If they continue to love transgression more than obedience, the present blessings and the great mercy of God that they now enjoy, but do not appreciate, will finally become the occasion of their eternal ruin. They may for a time choose to engage in worldly amusements and sinful pleasures, rather than to check themselves in their course of sin, and live for God and for the honor of the Majesty of heaven; but when it is too late for them to see and to understand that which they have slighted as a thing of naught, they will know what it means to be without God, without hope. Then they will sense what they have lost by choosing to be disloyal to God and to stand in rebellion against His commandments. In the past they defied His power and rejected His overtures of mercy; finally His judgments will fall upon them. Then they will realize that they have lost happiness—life, eternal life, in the heavenly courts....{3BC 1150.6}

bibelkommentar bind 3 kapitel 7. 1150.     Fra side i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Salmernes bog

Oh, om menneskelige agenter kunne tænke over hvad det sikre resultat vil være af deres utaknemmelighed mod Ham, og om deres vanrøgt af Kristi uendelige gave til vor verden! Hvis de fortsætter med at elske overtrædelser højere end lydighed, vil de nuværende velsignelser og Guds store nåde som de nu nyder, men ikke påskønner, til sidst blive anledning til deres evige ruin. De kan have et tidspunkt hvo de vælger at involvere sig i verdslige fornøjelser og syndig behag, frem for at standse sig selv i deres syndige kurs, og leve for Gud og for himlens Majestæts ære; men når det er for sent for dem at se og forstå det som de har negligeret som en værdiløs ting, vil de vide at det betyder at være uden Gud, og uden håb. Da vil de kunne fornemme hvad de har mistet ved at vælge illoyalitet mod Gud og stå i oprør imod Hans bud. I fortiden trodsede de Hans kraft og forkastede Hans tilbud om barmhjertighed; til sidst vil Hans domme falde over dem. Da vil de erkende at de har mistet lykke - liv, evigt liv, i de himmelske sale. . . .

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