Chapter 19 13-15 (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). Memory Kept Children From Straying—Could the afterlife of that little group be opened before us, we should see the mothers recalling to the minds of their children the scene of that day, and repeating to them the loving words of the Saviour. We should see, too, how often, in after years, the memory of these words kept the children from straying from the path cast up for the ransomed of the Lord (The Signs of the Times, December 18, 1907).{5BC 1096.9}Chapter 20 28. See EGW comment on Matthew 9:12, 13.{5BC 1096.10}30-34. See EGW comment on Mark 10:46-52.{5BC 1096.11}

bibelkommentar bind 5 kapitel 1. 1096.     Fra side i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Mattæus evangeliet

Kapitel 20

28. Se EGW for kp. 9,12. 13.

30-34. Se EGW for Mark 10,46-52.

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