65 (Mark 14:63). Priestly Robes Not to Be Rent—The pattern of the priestly robes was made known to Moses in the mount. Every article the high priest was to wear, and the way it should be made, were specified. These garments were consecrated to a most solemn purpose. By them was represented the character of the great antitype, Jesus Christ. They covered the priest with glory and beauty, and made the dignity of his office to appear. When clothed with them, the priest presented himself as a representative of Israel, showing by his garments the glory that Israel should reveal to the world as the chosen people of God. Nothing but perfection, in dress and attitude, in spirit and word, would be acceptable to God. He is holy; and His glory and perfection must be represented in the earthly service. Nothing but perfection could properly represent the sacredness of the heavenly service. Finite man might rend his own heart by showing a contrite and humble spirit; but no rent must be made in the priestly robes (The Youth’s Instructor, June 7, 1900).{5BC 1104.5}

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Mattæus evangeliet

65 (Mark 14,63). Præsteklæder skulle ikke rives sønderrives. - Præsteklædernes forbillede var blevet bekendtgjort for Moses på bjerget. Enhver artikel som ypperstepræsten skulle bære og måden det skulle gøres på, stod anført. I disse stod det store forbillede, Jesus Kristi karakter repræsenteret. De dækkede præsten med herlighed og skønhed, og får hans embedes værdighed til at vise sig. Når han var i klædt dette, præsenterede præsten sig selv som en repræsentant for Israel, og viste den herlighed i sine klæder, som Israel skulle åbenbare for verden, som Guds udvalgte folk. Gud kunne ikke antage mere end fuldkommenhed i klæder og optræden, i ånd og ord. Han er hellig, og Hans herlighed og fuldkommenhed må repræsenteres i jordisk tjeneste. Intet andet end fuldkommenhed kunne vise den himmelske tjeneste ordentligt. Begrænsede mennesker kunne sønderrive sit eget hjerte, ved at vise en sønderbrudt og ydmyg ånd, men præsteklæderne måtte ikke rives i stykker (YI 7. Juni, 1900).

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