10 (Luke 4:8). Command Compelled Satan—Jesus said to this wily foe, “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” Satan had asked Christ to give him evidence that He was the Son of God, and he had in this instance the proof he had asked. At the divine command of Christ he was compelled to obey. He was repulsed and silenced. He had no power to enable him to withstand the peremptory dismissal. He was compelled without another word to instantly desist and to leave the world’s Redeemer (The Review and Herald, September 1, 1874).{5BC 1083.6}

bibelkommentar bind 5 kapitel 1. 1083.     Fra side i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Mattæus evangeliet

10 (Luk 4,8). Befaling tvang Satan.-- Jesus sagde til den listige fjende. "Vig bort, Satan! For der står skrevet: "Du skal tilbede Herren din Gud og tjene ham alene.". Satan havde bedt Kristus om at bevise at han var Guds Søn, og i dette tilfælde havde han fået det bevis han bad om. Han blev nødt til at lyde Kristi guddommelige befaling. Han blev tilbagevist og måtte tie. Han havde ikke magt til at stå imod den bydende bortvisning. Han blev tvunget til straks at forlade verdens forløser (RH 1.sept., 1874).

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