Since the fall, the work of Satan has been accuse, and those who refuse the light which God sends, pursue the same course today. They lay open to others those things which they consider an offense. Thus it was with the Pharisees. When they found something of which they could accuse the disciples, they did not speak to those whom they thought to be in error. They spoke to Christ of the things which they thought to be so grievous in His disciples. When they thought that Christ offended, they accused Him to the disciples. It was their work to alienate hearts (Manuscript 3, 1898).{5BC 1088.5}

bibelkommentar bind 5 kapitel 1. 1088.     Fra side i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Mattæus evangeliet

Siden syndefaldet, har det været Satans værk at anklage, og dem som afviser det lys som Gud sender, gør det samme i dag. De lægger de ting åbent frem for dem, som de betragter som en fornærmelse. Sådan var det med Farisæerne. Da de fandt noget de kunne anklage disciplene for, talte de ikke til dem, som de mente gjorde noget forkert. De talte til Kristus, om de ting som de mente ville såre Hans disciple. Da de mente at Kristus blev stødt, anklagede de Ham til disciplene. Det var deres arbejde at støde hjerterne fra sig (MS 3, 1898).

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