Chapter 3 14, 15 (Acts 16:1-3). Timothy’s Childhood Training—Timothy’s mother and grandmother were united in their efforts to train him for God. What was his lesson book?—the Bible. Paul, his father in the gospel, declares, “From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures.” The faith of the mother and grandmother in the oracles of God was a constant illustration to Timothy of the blessing of doing God’s will.{7BC 918.7}

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2. Timotius brev

Kapitel 3

14, 15 (Apg 16,1-3). Timotius’ oplæring i barndommen. - Timotius moder og bedstemoder var gået sammen for at oplære ham til Gud. Hvad var hans lektiebog? - Bibelen, Paulus, hans fader i evangeliet, erklærer: ”Du kender fra barndommen af de hellige skrifter.” Den troende moder og bedstemoder på Guds orakler, var hele tiden en illustration for Timotius, til at gøre Guds vilje.

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