The affection between Paul and Timothy began with Timothy’s conversion; and the tie had strengthened as they had shared the hopes, the perils, and the toils of missionary life, till they seemed to be as one. The disparity in their ages and the difference in their characters made their love for each other more earnest. The ardent, zealous, indomitable spirit of Paul found repose and comfort in the mild, yielding, retiring disposition of Timothy. The faithful ministration and tender love of this tried companion had brightened many a dark hour in the apostle’s life. All that Melanchthon was to Luther, all that a son could be to a loved and honored father, the youthful Timothy was to the tried and lonely Paul (The Youth’s Instructor, July 10, 1902).{7BC 917.1} 9. See EGW comment on Luke 17:10; Ephesians 2:8, 9.{7BC 917.2}10. See EGW comment on Hebrews 2:14.{7BC 917.3}

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2. Timotius brev

Det stærke forhold mellem Paulus og Timotius begyndte ved Timotius' omvendelse; og båndet blev styrket idet de havde delt håb, fare, og slid i missionslivet, indtil de synes at være eet. Aldersforskellen og forskel i deres karakter gjorde deres kærlighed for hinanden mere alvorlig. Paulus' brændende ånd, nidkærhed og ukuelighed fandt svar og trøst i Timotius' milde, overgivende og tilbageholdende natur. Den trofaste hjælp og ømme kærlighed til denne prøvede kammerat har oplyst mange mørke stunder i apostlenes liv. Alt det Melancthon var for Luther, alt dette kunne en søn være for en elsket og æret fader, den unge Timotius var for den prøvede og ensomme Paulus. (YI 10. juli, 1902).

9. Se EGW til Luk. 17,10; Ef. 2,8. 9.

10. Se EGW til Heb. 2,14.

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