Is Conscience Changing your Life?—You may have a conscience and that conscience may bring conviction to you, but the question is, Is that conviction a working agent? Does that conviction reach your heart and the doings of the inner man? Is there a purification of the soul temple of its defilement? That is what we want, because it is a time such as it was in the days of the children of Israel; and if there are any sins upon you, do not stop till they are corrected and put away.— Manuscript 13, 1894.{1MCP 324.2}

Sind, karakter og personlighed kapitel 34. 324.     Fra side 324 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Kap. 34 - Samvittighed

Forandrer samvittigheden dit liv? - Du kan have en samvittighed og den samvittighed kan overbevise dig, men spørgsmålet er: Er denne samvittighed i virke? Når samvittigheden dit hjerte og det indre menneskes gøren? Bliver sjælstemplet renses for sin besmittelse? Det er hvad vi mangler, fordi tiden er sådan som den var i Israels børns dage; og hvis der er nogen synder på dig, så stop indtil de er rettet og lagt bort. - MS 13, 1894.

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