Many Fail to Understand True Principles—Many students are in so great haste to complete their education that they are not thorough in anything which they undertake. Few have sufficient courage and self-control to act from principle. Most students fail to understand the true object of education, and hence fail to take such a course as to secure this object. They apply themselves to the study of mathematics or the languages, while they neglect a study far more essential to the happiness and success of life. Many who can explore the depths of the earth with the geologist or traverse the heavens with the astronomer show not the slightest interest in the wonderful mechanism of their own bodies. Others can tell just how many bones there are in the human frame and correctly describe every organ of the body, and yet they are as ignorant of the laws of health and the cure of disease as though life were controlled by blind fate instead of definite and unvarying law.—The Signs of the Times, June 29, 1892. (Fundamentals of Christian Education, 71, 72.) {1MCP 362.4}

Sind, karakter og personlighed kapitel 38. 363.     Fra side 363 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Kap. 38 - Balance i uddannelse

Uddannelse er ikke af hjernen alene. - Studerende som har fået bogkundskaber uden at kende til praktisk arbejde, kan ikke hævde at have fået en symmetrisk uddannelse. De kræfter som burde være brugt på forretninger af forskellig slags er blevet forsømt. Uddannelse består ikke kun af at bruge hjernen. Fysisk beskæftigelse er en del af den nødvendige oplæring for enhver ung. Der mangler en vigtig del af uddannelsen hvis den studerende ikke får lært at gå ind i nyttigt arbejde. - CT 307, 308 (1913).

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