Self-support an Important Part of Education—In acquiring an education many students would gain a most valuable training if they would become self-sustaining. Instead of incurring debts or depending on the self-denial of their parents, let young men and young women depend on themselves. They will thus learn the value of money, the value of time, strength, and opportunities, and will be under far less temptation to indulge idle and spendthrift habits. The lessons of economy, industry, self-denial, practical business management, and steadfastness of purpose, thus mastered, would prove a most important part of their equipment for the battle of life. And the lesson of self-help learned by the student would go far toward preserving institutions of learning from the burden of debt under which so many schools have struggled and which has done so much toward crippling their usefulness.—Education, 221 (1903). {1MCP 366.4}

Sind, karakter og personlighed kapitel 38. 367.     Fra side 367 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Kap. 38 - Balance i uddannelse

Uddannelse former et socialt netværk. - Samfundet er i uorden hele verden over, og en grundig reform er nødvendig. Den undervisning, som gives de unge, skal skikke og danne hele samfundet. - Slf s. 412 (1905).

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