This woman represents the working of a practical faith in Christ. Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life. The receiver becomes a giver. The grace of Christ in the soul is like a spring in the desert, welling up to refresh all, and making those who are ready to perish eager to drink of the water of life. The Galileans who returned from the Passover brought back the report of the wonderful works of Jesus. The judgment passed upon His acts by the dignitaries at Jerusalem opened His way in Galilee. Many of the people lamented the abuse of the temple and the greed and arrogance of the priests. They hoped that this Man, who had put the rulers to flight, might be the looked-for Deliverer. Now tidings had come that seemed to confirm their brightest anticipations. It was reported that the prophet had declared Himself to be the Messiah.

Den Store Mester kapitel 20. 125.     Fra side 196 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

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Dette kapitel er bygget op over Joh 4,43-54
De galilæere, som vendte hjem fra påskehøjtiden, bragte rygtet om Jesu gerninger med tilbage. Den dom, der af myndighederne i Jerusalem var blevet fældet over hans gerninger, banede vejen for ham i Galilæa. Mange af folket sørgede over misbruget af templet og aver præsternes havesyge og hovmod. De håbede, at denne mand, der havde drevet rådsherrerne på flugt, måske kunne være den befrier, som man længtes efter. Nu fik man efterretninger, der syntes at bekræfte deres mest strålende forventninger. Der gik rygter om, at profeten selv havde erklæret, at han var Messias.

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