Beside the throng on the shores of Gennesaret, Jesus in His sermon by the sea had other audiences before His mind. Looking down the ages, He saw His faithful ones in prison and judgment hall, in temptation and loneliness and affliction. Every scene of joy and conflict and perplexity was open before Him. In the words spoken to those gathered about Him, He was speaking also to these other souls the very words that would come to them as a message of hope in trial, of comfort in sorrow, and heavenly light in darkness. Through the Holy Spirit, that voice which was speaking from the fisherman's boat on the Sea of Galilee, would be heard speaking peace to human hearts to the close of time.

Den Store Mester kapitel 25. 158.     Fra side 245 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

"Kom og følg mig"

Zebulons land og Naftalis land langs søen, landet hinsides Jordan, hedningernes Galilæa, det folk, som sad i mørke, har set et stort lys, og for dem, som sad i dødens land og skygge, er et lys oprundet.

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