"To whom shall we go?" The teachers of Israel were slaves to formalism. The Pharisees and Sadducees were in constant contention. To leave Jesus was to fall among sticklers for rites and ceremonies, and ambitious men who sought their own glory. The disciples had found more peace and joy since they had accepted Christ than in all their previous lives. How could they go back to those who had scorned and persecuted the Friend of sinners? They had long been looking for the Messiah; now He had come, and they could not turn from His presence to those who were hunting His life, and had persecuted them for becoming His followers. "To whom shall we go?" Not from the teaching of Christ, His lessons of love and mercy, to the darkness of unbelief, the wickedness of the world. While the Saviour was forsaken by many who had witnessed His wonderful works, Peter expressed the faith of the disciples,--"Thou art that Christ." The very thought of losing this anchor of their souls filled them with fear and pain. To be destitute of a Saviour was to be adrift on a dark and stormy sea.

Den Store Mester kapitel 41. 265.     Fra side 393 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Vendepunktet i Galilæa.

Til hvem skal vi gå hen? Bort fra Kristi lære, hans bud om kærlighed og barmhjertighed, til vantroens mørke og denne verdens ondskab. Medens Frelseren blev svigtet af mange af dem, der havde været vidne til hans undergerninger, gav Peter udtryk for disciplenes tro: Du er Guds Hellige! Selve tanken om at miste dette anker for deres sjæle fyldte dem med frygt og sorg. At måtte undvære en Frelser var det samme som at drive for vind og vejr på et mørkt og stormfuldt hav.

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