Jesus and His disciples had now come into one of the towns about Caesarea Philippi. They were beyond the limits of Galilee, in a region where idolatry prevailed. Here the disciples were withdrawn from the controlling influence of Judaism, and brought into closer contact with the heathen worship. Around them were represented forms of superstition that existed in all parts of the world. Jesus desired that a view of these things might lead them to feel their responsibility to the heathen. During His stay in this region, He endeavored to withdraw from teaching the people, and to devote Himself more fully to His disciples.

Den Store Mester kapitel 45. 279.     Fra side 410 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

I korsets skygge.

De begivenheder, som lå foran ham, var hidtil skjult for de ledsagere, han havde udvalgt til sin tjeneste; men tiden nærmede sig, da de måtte være vidne til hans kval. De måtte se ham, som de havde elsket og stolet på, overgivet i sine fjenders hænder og ophængt på Golgatas kors. Snart måtte han overlade til dem at møde verden ansigt til ansigt uden at have nogen trøst ved hans synlige nærværelse. Han vidste, hvor bittert de ville blive forfulgt af had og vantro, og han ville gerne berede dem til deres prøvelser.

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