"Whosesoever sins ye remit," said Christ, "they are remitted; . . . and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained." Christ here gives no liberty for any man to pass judgment upon others. In the Sermon on the Mount He forbade this. It is the prerogative of God. But on the church in its organized capacity He places a responsibility for the individual members. Toward those who fall into sin, the church has a duty, to warn, to instruct, and if possible to restore. "Reprove, rebuke, exhort," the Lord says, "with all long-suffering and doctrine." 2 Tim. 4:2. Deal 806 faithfully with wrongdoing. Warn every soul that is in danger. Leave none to deceive themselves. Call sin by its right name. Declare what God has said in regard to lying, Sabbathbreaking, stealing, idolatry, and every other evil. "They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Gal. 5:21. If they persist in sin, the judgment you have declared from God's word is pronounced upon them in heaven. In choosing to sin, they disown Christ; the church must show that she does not sanction their deeds, or she herself dishonors her Lord. She must say about sin what God says about it. She must deal with it as God directs, and her action is ratified in heaven. He who despises the authority of the church despises the authority of Christ Himself.

Den Store Mester kapitel 84. 548.     Fra side 804 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

"Fred være med eder" . .

Da Jesus mødtes med sine disciple, mindede han dem om de ord, han havde sagt til dem før sin død: at alt det måtte opfyldes, som var skrevet om ham i Mose lov og i profeterne og i salmerne. "Da åbnede han deres sind, så de forstod Skrifterne. Og han sagde til dem: Således står der skrevet, at Kristus skal lide og opstå fra de døde på den tredje dag, og at der i hans navn skal prædikes omvendelse til syndernes forladelse far alle folkeslagene og begyndes fra Jerusalem. I skal være vidner om dette."

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