There are those who would think it lowering to their dignity to minister to suffering humanity. Many look with indifference and contempt upon those who have laid the temple of the soul in ruins. Others neglect the poor from a different motive. They are working, as they believe, in the cause of Christ, seeking to build up some worthy 383 enterprise. They feel that they are doing a great work, and they cannot stop to notice the wants of the needy and distressed. In advancing their supposedly great work they may even oppress the poor. They may place them in hard and trying circumstances, deprive them of their rights, or neglect their needs. Yet they feel that all this is justifiable because they are, as they think, advancing the cause of Christ.

Kristi lignelser kapitel 27. 407.     Fra side 383 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Hvem er så min næste?

De føler at de udfører en stor gerning, og de kan ikke tage tid til at lægge mærke til de ulykkeliges og nødlidendes behov. Ved at søge at fremme deres såkaldte store gerning er det endog muligt, at de derved gør de fattiges lod tungere De bringer dem måske i vanskelige og ubehagelige omstændigheder fratager dem deres rettigheder eller forsømmer at sørge for deres fornødenheder Og dog føler de, at alt dette er tilladeligt, fordi de, som de selv mener fremmer Kristi sag.

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