Notwithstanding Christ's warning, men have sought to uproot the tares. To punish those who were supposed to be evildoers, the church has had recourse to the civil power. Those who differed from the established doctrines have been imprisoned, put to torture and to death, at the instigation of men who claimed to be acting under the sanction of Christ. But it is the spirit of Satan, not the Spirit of Christ, that inspires such acts. This is Satan's own method of bringing the world under his dominion. God has been misrepresented through the church by this way of dealing with those supposed to be heretics.

Kristi lignelser kapitel 4. 61.     Fra side 74 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Giftigt rajgræs

Kristus lærer os i denne lignelse, at vi ikke skal dadle og fordømme andre, men være ydmyge og små i vore egne øjne. Det er ikke alt, der sås på marken, der er god sæd. At man er medlem af en menighed, er ikke et bevis på, at man er en kristen.

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