After a time a Samaritan came near. The Samaritans were despised and hated by the Jews. To one of these people a Jew would not give so much as a drink of water or a morsel of bread. But the Samaritan did not stop to think of this. He did not stop even to think of the robbers who might be watching for him. There lay the stranger, bleeding and ready to die. The Samaritan took off his own cloak, and wrapped it about him. He gave him his own wine to drink, and poured oil on his wounds. He put him on his own beast, brought him to an inn, and took care of him all night. The next morning, before going away, he paid the innkeeper to care for him till he should be strong again. So Jesus told the story. Then turning to the lawyer, He asked: "Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves?"

Kristus vor Frelser kapitel 10. 71.     Fra side 65 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Jesus underviser folket

Lidt senere kom en samaritaner hen i nærheden af den fremmede. Samaritanerne var foragtede og hadede af jøderne. En jøde ville ikke give en samaritaner så meget som et bæger koldt vand eller en bid brød. Men samaritaneren gav sig ikke tid til at tænke på det. Han tænkte heller ikke på de røvere, som måske lå på lur efter ham.

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