The next day John again saw Jesus, and again he cried, "Behold the Lamb of God!" John 1:36. Two of John's disciples were standing near, and they followed Jesus. They listened to His teaching, and became His disciples. One of the two was Andrew, the other John. Andrew soon brought to Jesus his own brother, Simon, whom Christ named Peter. The next day, on the way to Galilee, Christ called another disciple, Philip. As soon as Philip found the Saviour, he brought his friend Nathaniel.

Kristus vor Frelser kapitel 9. 55.     Fra side 51 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Virksomheden begynder

Den næste dag så Johannes igen Jesus, og atter råbte han: "Se Guds lam!" Joh. 1,36. To af Johannes disciple stod i nærheden, og de fulgte efter Jesus. De lyttede til hans lære og blev hans disciple. Den ene af disse var Andreas, og den anden var Johannes. Andreas førte snart sin broder Simon til Jesus, som gav ham navnet Peter. På vejen til Galilæa den følgende dag kaldte Jesus endnu en discipel, som hed Filip. Så snart Filip havde fundet Frelseren, hentede han sin ven Natanael.

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