When Stephen was questioned as to the truth of the charges against him, he began his defense in a clear, thrilling voice, which rang through the council hall. In words that held the assembly spellbound, he proceeded to rehearse the history of the chosen people of God. He showed a thorough knowledge of the Jewish economy and the spiritual interpretation of it now made manifest through Christ. He repeated the words of Moses that foretold of the Messiah: "A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; Him shall ye hear." He made plain his own loyalty to God and to the Jewish faith, while he showed that the law in which the Jews trusted for salvation had not been able to save Israel from idolatry. He connected Jesus Christ with all the Jewish history. He referred to the building of the temple by Solomon, and to the words of both Solomon and Isaiah: "Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Heaven is 100 My throne, and earth is My footstool: what house will ye build Me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of My rest? Hath not My hand made all these things?"

Mesterens efterfølgere kapitel 10. 57.     Fra side 99 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Den første kristne martyr

Da Stefanus blev spurgt, om anklagerne imod ham var sandfærdige, begyndte han sit forsvar med høj og klar stemme, der gav genlyd i retssalen. I ord, der tryllebandt forsamlingen, gav han sig til at berette Guds ejendomsfolks historie. Han udviste en omfattende viden om den jødiske statsordning og dens åndelige fortolkning, som nu var åbenbaret ved Kristus. Han gentog Moses ord, der viste hen til Kristus: "En profet som mig vil Gud lade fremstå for jer, en af jeres brødre; ham skal I høre!" Han klarlagde tydeligt sin egen troskab mod Gud og den jødiske tro, mens han påviste, at den lov, som jøderne stolede på skulle frelse dem, ikke havde magtet at frelse Israel fra afgudsdyrkelse. Han viste forbindelsen mellem Jesus Kristus og hele jødefolkets historie. Han henviste til Salomos opbygning af templet og til både Salomos og Esajas ord: "Dog den Højeste bor ikke i huse, gjort med hænder, men som profetem siger:

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