He held up before Felix and Drusilla the character of God--His righteousness, justice, and equity, and the nature of His law. He clearly showed that it is man's duty to live a life of sobriety and temperance, keeping the passions under the control of reason, in conformity to God's law, and preserving the physical and mental powers in a healthy condition. 424 He declared that there would surely come a day of judgment when all would be rewarded according to the deeds done in the body, and when it would be plainly revealed that wealth, position, or titles are powerless to gain for man the favor of God or to deliver him from the results of sin. He showed that this life is man's time of preparation for the future life. Should he neglect present privileges and opportunities he would suffer an eternal loss; no new probation would be given him.

Mesterens efterfølgere kapitel 39. 224.     Fra side 423 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Domshandlingen i Kæsarea

Som eksempel fremhævede han overfor Feliks og Drusilla Guds egenskaber hans retfærdighed og hans lovs fuldkommenhed. Han viste dem klart, at det er et menneskes pligt at leve sit liv i afholdenhed og mådehold, at lade sine lidenskaber beherske af forstanden i overensstemmelse med Guds bud og at bevare sin legemlige og åndelige kraft usvækket.

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