From the beginning, God has been working by His Holy Spirit through human instrumentalities for the accomplishment of His purpose in behalf of the fallen race. This was manifest in the lives of the patriarchs. To the church in the wilderness also, in the time of Moses, God gave His "good Spirit to instruct them." Nehemiah 9:20. And in the days of the apostles He wrought mightily for His church through the agency of the Holy Spirit. The same power that sustained the patriarchs, that gave Caleb and Joshua faith and courage, and that made the work of the apostolic church effective, has upheld God's faithful children in every succeeding age. It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that during the Dark Ages the Waldensian Christians helped to prepare the way for the Reformation. It was the same power that made successful the efforts of the noble men and women who pioneered the way for the establishment of modern missions and for the translation of the Bible into the languages and dialects of all nations and peoples.

Mesterens efterfølgere kapitel 5. 33.     Fra side 53 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Åndens gave

Fra begyndelsen har Gud arbejdet ved sin Helligånd gennem menneskelige redskaber til fuldførelsen af sin plan for at frelse den faldne slægt. Også på Moses tid gav Gud sin menighed i ørkenen "sin gode Ånd for at give dem indsigt." Neh. 9,20. Og i apostlenes dage virkede han mægtigt for sin menighed ved Helligåndens hjælp. Den samme kraft, som hjalp patriarkerne, som gav Kaleb og Josva tro og mod, og som dygtiggjorde apostelkirken til tjeneste, har opretholdt Guds trofaste børn gennem alle tidsaldre. Det var ved Helligåndens kraft, at de valdesiske kristne i den mørke middelalder hjalp med til at berede vejen for reformationen. Det var den samme kraft, som gav held til ædle mænds og kvinders bestræbelser for at bane vej for oprettelsen af nutidens missionsgerning og for oversættelse af Bibelen til alle nationers og folkeslags sprog og dialekter.

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