The rulers of the Jews were filled with bitter hatred against John for his unwavering fidelity to the cause of Christ. They declared that their efforts against the Christians would avail nothing so long as John's testimony kept ringing in the ears of the people. In order that the miracles and teachings of Jesus might be forgotten, the voice of the bold witness must be silenced.

Mesterens efterfølgere kapitel 56. 299.     Fra side 569 i den engelske udgave.tilbage


De jødiske ledere var fulde af bittert had mod Johannes på grund af hans usvigelige troskab mod Kristi sag. De erklærede, at deres anstrengelser mod de kristne ikke ville føre til noget, så længe Johannes vidnesbyrd blev ved med at lyde i folkets øren. Hvis Jesu undere og lære skulle glemmes, måtte det dristige vidnes stemme bringes til tavshed.

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