The enemies of the disciples could not but be convinced that Christ had risen from the dead. The evidence was too clear to be doubted. Nevertheless, they hardened their hearts, refusing to repent of the terrible deed they had committed in putting Jesus to death. Abundant evidence that the apostles were speaking and acting under divine inspiration had been given the Jewish rulers, but they firmly resisted the message of truth. Christ had not come in the manner that they expected, and though at times they had been convinced that He was the Son of God, yet they had stifled conviction, and crucified Him. In mercy God gave them still further evidence, and now another opportunity was granted them to turn to Him. He sent the disciples to tell them that they had killed the Prince of life, and in this terrible charge He gave them another call to repentance. But feeling secure in their own righteousness, the Jewish teachers refused to admit that the men charging them with crucifying Christ were speaking by the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Mesterens efterfølgere kapitel 6. 37.     Fra side 61 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Ved tempelporten

Disciplenes fjender kunne ikke undgå at være overbeviste om, at Kristus var opstået fra de døde. Beviserne var for klare til, at man kunne betvivle dem. Ikke desto mindre forhærdede de deres hjerter og nægtede at angre den frygtelige handling, de havde begået ved at lade Jesus dræbe. De jødiske rådsherrer havde fået overvældende beviser på, at apostlene talte og handlede under guddommelig inspiration, men de stod fast i deres modstand mod sandhedens budskab. Kristus var ikke kommet på den måde, som de havde ventet, og skønt de til tider havde været sikre på, at han var Guds Søn, så undertrykte de denne overbevisning og korsfæstede ham. I sin nåde gav Gud dem endnu flere beviser, og nu blev der atter skænket dem en lejlighed til at vende sig til ham.

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