Because the law of the Lord is perfect, and therefore changeless, it is impossible for sinful men, in themselves, to meet the standard of its requirement. This was why Jesus came as our Redeemer. It was His mission, by making men partakers of the divine nature, to bring them into harmony with the principles of the law of heaven. When we forsake our sins and receive Christ as our Saviour, the law is exalted. The apostle Paul asks, "Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law." Romans 3:31.

Med Mesteren på bjerget kapitel 3. 56.     Fra side 51 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Lovens åndelige natur

»Herre, dit ord er evigt, står fast i himmelen.« »Man kan lide på alle hans bud; de står i al evighed fast, udført i sandhed og retsind.« »For længst vandt jeg indsigt i dine vidnesbyrd, thi du har grundfæstet dem for evigt.« (Sl. 119,89; 111,7-8; 119,152).

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