The prophet Hosea had pointed out what constitutes the very essence of Pharisaism, in the words, "Israel is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself." Hosea 10:1. In their professed service to God, the Jews were really working for self. Their righteousness was the fruit of their own efforts to keep the law according to their own ideas and for their own selfish benefit. Hence it could be no better than they were. In their endeavor to make themselves holy, they were trying to bring a clean thing out of an unclean. The law of God is as holy as He is holy, as perfect as He is perfect. It presents to men the righteousness of God. It is impossible for man, of himself, to keep this law; for the nature of man is depraved, deformed, and wholly unlike the character of God. The works of the selfish heart are "as an unclean thing;" and "all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags." Isaiah 64:6.

Med Mesteren på bjerget kapitel 3. 60.     Fra side 55 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Lovens åndelige natur

Jesus påviste derefter for sine tilhørere, hvad det vil sige at holde Guds befalinger at det betyder en frembringelse af Kristi karakter hos dem selv. For i ham blev Gud daglig åbenbaret for deres øjne.

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