Jesus condemned their practices, declaring that their custom in oath taking was a transgression of the commandment of God. Our Saviour did not, however, forbid the use of the judicial oath, in which God is solemnly called to witness that what is said is truth 67 and nothing but the truth. Jesus Himself, at His trial before the Sanhedrin, did not refuse to testify under oath. The high priest said unto Him, "I adjure Thee by the living God, that Thou tell us whether Thou be the Christ, the Son of God." Jesus answered, "Thou hast said." Matthew 26:63, 64. Had Christ in the Sermon on the Mount condemned the judicial oath, He would at His trial have reproved the high priest and thus, for the benefit of His followers, have enforced His own teaching.

Med Mesteren på bjerget kapitel 3. 72.     Fra side 67 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Lovens åndelige natur

Men hvis der er nogen, som med god grund kan vidne under ed, kan en kristen gøre det. Han lever stadig som for Guds åsyn og ved, at hver tanke er åbenbar for hans øjne, for hvem vi skal stå til regnskab; og når det på lovlig vis kræves af ham, gør han ret i at tage Gud til vidne på, at hvad han siger, ikke er andet end den rene sandhed.

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