In his youth Solomon made David's choice his own, and for many years he walked uprightly, his life marked with strict obedience to God's commands. Early in his reign he went with his counselors of state to Gibeon, where the tabernacle that had been built in the wilderness still was, and there he united with his chosen advisers, "the captains of thousands and of hundreds," "the judges," and "every governor in all Israel, the chief of the fathers," in offering sacrifices to God and in consecrating themselves fully to the Lord's service. 2 Chronicles 1:2. Comprehending something of the magnitude of the duties connected with the kingly office, Solomon knew that those bearing heavy burdens must 28 seek the Source of Wisdom for guidance, if they would fulfill their responsibilities acceptably. This led him to encourage his counselors to unite with him heartily in making sure of their acceptance with God.

Profeter og konger kapitel 1. 20.     Fra side 33 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Den vise Salomo

Salomo var i særdeleshed interesseret i naturhistorie, men han begrænsede ikke sine studier til et enkelt fag. Han studerede omhyggeligt alt det skabte, både det levende og det livløse, og dannede sig derved et klart indtryk af Skaberen. Han betragtede naturkræfterne, mineral og dyreriget og hvert træ, hver busk og hver blomst som et vidnesbyrd om Guds visdom. Mens han bestræbte sig på at lære mere og mere, forøgedes hans kundskab om og hans kærlighed til Gud stadig.

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