It is at the time of greatest weakness that Satan assails the soul with the fiercest temptations. It was thus that he hoped to prevail over the Son of God; for by this policy he had gained many victories over man. When the will power weakened and faith failed, then those who had stood long and valiantly for the right yielded to temptation. Moses, wearied with forty years of wandering and unbelief, lost for a moment his hold on Infinite Power. He failed just on the borders of the Promised Land. So with Elijah. He who had maintained his trust in Jehovah during the years of drought and famine, he who had stood undaunted before Ahab, he who throughout that trying day on Carmel had stood before the whole nation of Israel the sole witness to the true God, in a moment of weariness allowed the fear of death to overcome his faith in God. And so it is today. When we are encompassed with doubt, perplexed by circumstances, or afflicted by poverty or distress, Satan seeks to shake our confidence in Jehovah. It is then that he arrays before us our mistakes and tempts us to distrust God, to question His love. He hopes to discourage the soul and break our hold on God.

Profeter og konger kapitel 13. 88.     Fra side 174 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Stilhed efter stormen

Det samme gentager sig i dag. Det er, når vi er plaget af tvivl, udsat for vanskeligheder eller hjemsøgt af fattigdom eller modgang, at Satan forsøger at rokke vor tro på Gud. Det er i disse situationer, at han minder os om vore fejltagelser og frister os til at tvivle på Gud og spørge, om han stadig elsker os. Derved håber han at kunne slå modet ned hos sjælen og skille os fra Gud.

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