Jehoshaphat was a man of courage and valor. For years he had been strengthening his armies and his fortified cities. He was well prepared to meet almost any foe; yet in this crisis he put not his trust in the arm of flesh. Not by disciplined armies and fenced cities, but by a living faith in the God of Israel, could he hope to gain the victory over these 199 heathen who boasted of their power to humble Judah in the eyes of the nations.

Profeter og konger kapitel 15. 99.     Fra side 199 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Josafat - Judas konge

"Da grebes Josafat af frygt, og han vendte sig til Herren og søgte ham og lod en faste udråbe i hele Juda. Så samledes judæerne for at søge hjælp hos Herren; også fra alle Judas byer kom de for at søge Herren."

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