The lesson is for all in positions of trust. When God opens the way for the accomplishment of a certain work and gives assurance of success, the chosen instrumentality must do all in his power to bring about the promised result. In proportion to the enthusiasm and perseverance with which the work is carried forward will be the success given. God can work miracles for His people only as they act their part with untiring energy. He calls for men of devotion to His work, men of moral courage, with ardent love for souls, and with a zeal that never flags. Such workers will find no task too arduous, no prospect too hopeless; they will labor on, undaunted, until apparent defeat is turned into glorious victory. Not even prison walls nor the martyr's stake beyond, will cause them to swerve from their purpose of laboring together with God for the upbuilding of His kingdom.

Profeter og konger kapitel 21. 127.     Fra side 260 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Elisa afslutter sit livsværk

Hvis menigheden er villig til at iklæde sig Kristi retfærdigheds klædning og afbryde al forbindelse med verden, vil der oprinde en herlig tid for den. Gud ønsker, at hans trofaste børn, som tror på ham, skal sætte mod i dem, som er blottet for tro og håb. Vend jer til Herren, I fanger med håb! Søg styrke hos Gud, den levende Gud. Vis en urokkelig, ydmyg tro på hans magt og på hans villighed til at frelse. Når vi tilegner os hans styrke i tro, vil han på den vidunderligste måde ændre de mest dystre og fortvivlede udsigter for sit navns herligheds skyld.

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