God's message for the inhabitants of earth today is, "Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." Matthew 24:44. The conditions prevailing in society, and especially in the great cities of the nations, proclaim in thunder tones that the hour of God's judgment is come and that the end of all things earthly is at hand. We are standing on the threshold of the crisis of the ages. In quick succession the judgments of God will follow one another--fire, and flood, and earthquake, with war and bloodshed. We are not to be surprised at this time by events both great and decisive; for the angel of mercy cannot remain much longer to shelter the impenitent.

Profeter og konger kapitel 22. 135.     Fra side 278 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Nineve, den store stad

Guds budskab til jordens indbyggere i dag lyder: "Derfor vær også I rede; thi Menneskesønnen kommer i den time, I ikke tænker jer " Matt. 24,44.

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