God's plan is not to send messengers who will please and flatter sinners; He delivers no messages of peace to lull the unsanctified into carnal security. Instead, He lays heavy burdens upon the conscience of the wrongdoer and pierces his soul with sharp arrows of conviction. Ministering angels present to him the fearful judgments of God, to deepen the sense of need and to prompt the agonizing cry, "What must I do to be saved?" Acts 16;30. But the Hand that humbles to the dust, rebukes sin, and puts pride and ambition to shame, is the Hand that lifts up the penitent, stricken one. With deepest sympathy He who permits the chastisement to fall, inquires, "What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee?"

Profeter og konger kapitel 35. 211.     Fra side 435 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Opgørets dag nærmer sig

Men den samme hånd, som ydmyger, irettesætter synd og gør stolthed og ærgerrighed til skamme, løfter også den angergivne, slagne op. Han, der tillader afstraffelsen, spørger i dybeste medfølelse: "Hvad vil du, at jeg skal gøre for dig."

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