The setting up of the altar of daily burnt offerings greatly cheered the faithful remnant. Heartily they entered into the preparations necessary for the rebuilding of the temple, gathering courage as these preparations advanced from month to month. They had for many years been deprived of the visible tokens of God's presence. And now, surrounded as they were by many sad reminders of the apostasy of their fathers, they longed for some abiding token of divine forgiveness and favor. Above the regaining of personal property and ancient privileges, they valued the approval of God. Wonderfully had He wrought in their 563 behalf, and they felt the assurance of His presence with them; yet they desired greater blessings still. With joyous anticipation they looked forward to the time when, with temple rebuilt, they might behold the shining forth of His glory from within.

Profeter og konger kapitel 45. 273.     Fra side 560 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

De landflygtiges hjemkomst

Man byggede hurtigst muligt et alter på det sted, hvor det oprindelige alter havde stået i tempelgården. Da det blev indviet, "samledes folket fuldtalligt" for at genoptage de hellige offerhandlinger, som var blevet afbrudt, da Nebukadnezar ødelagde Jerusalem. Inden de skiltes for at drage tilbage til deres hjem, som de var i færd med at genopbygge, "fejrede de løvhyttefesten". Ezra 3,1-6.

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