Jeroboam's greatest fear was that at some future time the hearts of his subjects might be won over by the ruler occupying the throne of David. He reasoned that if the ten tribes should be permitted to visit often the ancient seat of the Jewish monarchy, where the services of the temple were still conducted as in the years of Solomon's reign, many might feel inclined to renew their allegiance to the government centering at Jerusalem. Taking counsel with His advisers, Jeroboam determined by one bold stroke to 100 lessen, so far as possible, the probability of a revolt from his rule. He would bring this about by creating within the borders of his newly formed kingdom two centers of worship, one at Bethel and the other at Dan. In these places the ten tribes should be invited to assemble, instead of at Jerusalem, to worship God.

Profeter og konger kapitel 7. 52.     Fra side 99 i den engelske udgave.tilbage


Jeroboam som havde været Salomos tjener, var blevet valgt til konge af de ti israelitiske stammer, som havde gjort oprør imod Davids hus, og det stod nu i hans magt at indføre kloge reformer både i det borgerlige og religiøse liv. Da Salomo var konge, viste Jeroboam, at han var i besiddelse af gode evner og sund dømmekraft, og de kundskaber, som han havde erhvervet sig under mange års tro tjeneste, gjorde ham skikket til at styre riget med klogskab. Men Jeroboam stolede ikke på Gud.

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