There are few who realize the influence of the little things of life upon the development of character. Nothing with which we have to do is really small. The varied circumstances that we meet 223 day by day are designed to test our faithfulness and to qualify us for greater trusts. By adherence to principle in the transactions of ordinary life, the mind becomes accustomed to hold the claims of duty above those of pleasure and inclination. Minds thus disciplined are not wavering between right and wrong, like the reed trembling in the wind; they are loyal to duty because they have trained themselves to habits of fidelity and truth. By faithfulness in that which is least they acquire strength to be faithful in greater matters. An upright character is of greater worth than the gold of Ophir. Without it none can rise to an honorable eminence. But character is not inherited. It cannot be bought. Moral excellence and fine mental qualities are not the result of accident. The most precious gifts are of no value unless they are improved. The formation of a noble character is the work of a lifetime and must be the result of diligent and persevering effort. God gives opportunities; success depends upon the use made of them.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 20. 112.     Fra side 223 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Josef i Ægypten

En retskaffen karakter er af større værdi end Ofirs guld. Uden en sådan karakter kan ingen opnå hæder og ære. Men karakteren nedarves ikke. Der kan ikke købes. Moralske fortrin og fremragende åndelige egenskaber skyldes ikke tilfældigheder. Selv de bedste evner er intet værd, medmindre de udvikles. Dannelsen af en ædel karakter tager hele livet og er resultatet af flittige, udholdende anstrengelser. Gud giver anledningerne, et godt resultat afhænger af den brug, vi gør af dem.

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