Having recovered his self-possession, he returned, and all proceeded to the feast. By the laws of caste the Egyptians were forbidden to eat with people of any other nation. The sons of Jacob had therefore a table by themselves, while the governor, on account of his high rank, ate by himself, and the Egyptians also had separate tables. When all were seated the brothers were surprised to see that they were arranged in exact order, according to their ages. Joseph "sent messes unto them from before him;" but Benjamin's was five times as much as any of theirs. By this token of favor to Benjamin he hoped to ascertain if the youngest brother was regarded with the envy and hatred that had been manifested toward himself. Still supposing that Joseph did not 229 understand their language, the brothers freely conversed with one another; thus he had a good opportunity to learn their real feelings. Still he desired to test them further, and before their departure he ordered that his own drinking cup of silver should be concealed in the sack of the youngest.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 21. 115.     Fra side 228 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Josef og hans brødre

Da han havde genvundet selvbeherskelsen, vendte han tilbage, og alle begyndte at spise. Efter kastelovene måtte ægypterne ikke spise sammen med folk fra andre nationer. Jakobs sønner fik derfor et bord for sig selv, mens statholderen på grund af sin høje rang spiste for sig selv; de tilstedeværende ægyptere sad også ved særskilte borde.

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