As Joseph was sold to the heathen by his own brothers, so 240 Christ was sold to His bitterest enemies by one of His disciples. Joseph was falsely accused and thrust into prison because of his virtue; so Christ was despised and rejected because His righteous, self-denying life was a rebuke to sin; and though guilty of no wrong, He was condemned upon the testimony of false witnesses. And Joseph's patience and meekness under injustice and oppression, his ready forgiveness and noble benevolence toward his unnatural brothers, represent the Saviour's uncomplaining endurance of the malice and abuse of wicked men, and His forgiveness, not only of His murderers, but of all who have come to Him confessing their sins and seeking pardon.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 21. 119.     Fra side 235 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Josef og hans brødre

Simeon og Levi var henholdsvis næstældste og tredjeældst. De havde sammen forøvet grusomheden mod Sikems indbyggere, og de havde også størst skyld i, at Josef blev solgt. Om dem blev der sagt:

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