During all the years of servitude in Egypt there had been among the Israelites some who adhered to the worship of Jehovah. These were solely troubled as they saw their children daily witnessing the abominations of the heathen, and even bowing down to their false gods. In their distress they cried unto the Lord for deliverance from the Egyptian yoke, that they might be freed from the corrupting influence of idolatry. They did not conceal their faith, but declared to the Egyptians that the object of their worship was the Maker of heaven and earth, the only true and living God. They rehearsed the evidences of His existence and power, from creation down to the days of Jacob. The Egyptians thus had an opportunity to become acquainted with the religion of the Hebrews; but disdaining to be instructed by their slaves, they tried to seduce the worshipers of God by promises of reward, and, this failing, by threats and cruelty.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 23. 130.     Fra side 259 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Ægyptens plager

I sin vånde gik Moses til Gud og råbte: "Herre, hvorfor har du handlet ilde med dette folk? Hvorfor har du udsendt mig? Siden jeg har været hos Farao og talt i dit navn, har han handlet ilde med dette folk, og frelst dit folk har du ikke!"

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