This song and the great deliverance which it commemorates, made an impression never to be effaced from the memory of the Hebrew people. From age to age it was echoed by the prophets and singers of Israel, testifying that Jehovah is the strength and deliverance of those who trust in Him. That song does not belong to the Jewish people alone. It points forward to the destruction of all the foes of righteousness and the final victory of the Israel of God. The prophet of Patmos beholds the white-robed multitude that have "gotten the victory," standing on the "sea of glass mingled with fire," having "the harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb." Revelation 15:2,3.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 25. 143.     Fra side 288 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Udgangen af Ægypten

Som havets brusen hævede denne smukke lovprisning sig fra Israels umådelige hærskare. Den blev gentaget af kvinderne under ledelse af Moses' søster Mirjam, idet de drog frem med pauker og danse. Det glade omkvæd klang ud over ørken og hav, og bjergene gav genlyd af deres pris: "Syng for Herren, thi han er højt ophøjet."

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