Jealousy had given rise to envy, and envy to rebellion. They had discussed the question of the right of Moses to so great authority and honor, until they had come to regard him as occupying a very enviable position, which any of them could fill as well as he. And they deceived themselves and one another into thinking that Moses and Aaron had themselves assumed the positions they held. The discontented ones said that these leaders had exalted themselves above the congregation of the Lord, in taking upon them the priesthood and government, but their house was not entitled to distinction above others in Israel; they were no more holy than the people, and it should be enough for them to be on a level with their brethren, who were equally favored with God's special presence and protection. The next work of the conspirators was with the people. To those who are in the wrong, and deserving of reproof, there is nothing more pleasing than to receive sympathy and praise. And thus Korah and his associates gained the attention and enlisted the support of the congregation. The charge that the murmurings of the people had brought upon them the wrath of God was declared to be a mistake. They said that the congregation were not at fault, since they desired nothing more than their rights; but that Moses was an overbearing ruler; that he had reproved the people as sinners, when they were a holy people, and the Lord was among them.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 35. 201.     Fra side 397 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Koras oprør

De sammensvornes næste opgave gik ud på at få folket over på deres side. Folk sætter aldrig så stor pris på sympati og ros, som når de har uret og fortjener en irettesættelse. Kora og hans tilhængere vandt straks gehør hos menigheden og sikrede sig dens støtte. Påstanden om, at det var folkets utilfredshed, der havde nedkaldt Guds vrede over dem, blev betegnet som en fejltagelse. De sagde, at menigheden ikke havde gjort sig skyldig i noget forkert, for de havde blot forlangt at få opfyldt deres berettigede krav. Derimod var Moses en hovmodig hersker, der havde irettesat folket og kaldt dem syndere, mens sandheden var, at de var et helligt folk, og at Herren var iblandt dem.

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