Moses beheld the disciples of Jesus as they went forth to carry His gospel to the world. He saw that though the people of Israel "according to the flesh" had failed of the high destiny to which God had called them, in their unbelief had failed to become the light of the world, though they had despised God's mercy and forfeited their blessings as His chosen people--yet God had not cast off the seed of Abraham; the glorious purposes which He had undertaken to accomplish through Israel were to be fulfilled. All who through Christ should become the children of faith were to be counted as Abraham's seed; they were inheritors of the covenant promises; like Abraham, they were called to guard and to make known to the world the law of God and the gospel of His Son. Moses saw the light of the gospel shining out through the disciples of Jesus to them "which sat in darkness" (Matthew 4:16), and thousands from the lands of the Gentiles flocking to the brightness of its rising. And beholding, he rejoiced in the increase and prosperity of Israel.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 43. 243.     Fra side 476 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Moses' død

Moses så Jesu disciple drage ud i verden med evangeliet. Han så, at selv om "det kødelige Israel" ikke havde vist sig det høje, guddommelige kald værdigt, og skønt de på grund af vantro ikke var blevet verdens lys, men havde foragtet Guds nåde og forspildt deres velsignelser som hans udvalgte folk, havde Gud alligevel ikke forkastet Abrahams sæd. De herlige planer, som Gud havde besluttet at føre ud i livet ved hjælp af Israel, ville blive gennemført. Alle de, der takket være Kristus blev troens børn, ville blive regnet for Abrahams sæd. De var arvinger til pagtens løfter. Ligesom Abraham skulle de værne om Guds lov og hans Søns evangelium og gøre verden bekendt dermed. Moses så, at evangeliets lys gennem Jesu disciple nåede ud til dem, "som sad i mørke" (Mat, 4, 16), og at tusinder fra de hedenske lande blev tiltrukket af dets herlighed. Og mens alt dette oprulledes for hans blik, glædede han sig over Israels vækst og fremgang.

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